Team:NYU Abu Dhabi/Documentation/DOCS 20ee279bfcdc46b09c4fb108851b2757/Engineering 8297e0cf88af4f8fbfe00ad598c6a52f/Measurement 86375b01cc9340d8a7ed01121b1aa428/LFA with CRISPR 336925e6cf594d49a82cc656a0e28b73



@Ayesha Sameer

Final Pages


(Author, Year)LinkDescription
(Xusheng Wang, Erhu Xiong, Tian Tian, Meng Cheng, Wei Lin, Jian Sun, Xiaoming Zhou, 2019) is CRISPR and how does it work
(Yun-mu Zhang, Ying Zhang & Kabin Xie, 2020) to find full article, detailed on LFA with CRISPR Cas12a
(Miriam Jauset-Rubio, Markéta Svobodová, Teresa Mairal, Calum McNeil, Neil Keegan, Ayman Saeed, Mohammad Nooredeen Abbas, Mohammad S. El-Shahawi, Abdulaziz S. Bashammakh, Abdulrahman O. Alyoubi & Ciara K. O´Sullivan, 2016) detection with LFA
(Zhao, yu et al., 2020) and Cas13a Time data
(Strohkendl I et al., 2018) Time Data
(Li Yi, et al., 18), Specificity, Sensitivity Cas12 and Cas13a- also SHERLOCKv2
(Wang J., et al., 2018) HOLMES details
(Shi-Yan L et al., 2018) Data Cas12a
(Jeanne E. van Dongen,a,∗ Johanna T.W. Berendsen,a Renske D.M. Steenbergen,b Rob M.F. Wolthuis,c Jan C.T. Eijkel,a and Loes I. Segerink., 2020), opportunities of CRISPR- Cas- point of care detection
(Wang, Xinxie et al., 2020) Analysis Link Reference
(Rauch N.J et al., 2020) Analysis Details